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Kriya Yoga, flow of energy!


Kriya Yoga, flow of energy!

Kriya Yoga is a type of yoga that became popular in the West in the 1940s as a result of Paramahansa Yogananda's book "The Autobiography of a Yogi."

Kriya means "action" in Sanskrit (soul). It increases the flow of energy in your body while also concentrating on inner peace.

What exactly is Kriya Yoga?

Kriyas are exercises performed in Kriya Yoga. This must be done in a specific order. Kriyas are different types of meditation exercises and breathing techniques. This way, you can ensure that you find inner peace.

The meditation should be done twice a day for an hour. You direct your attention inward and concentrate on your energy.

Kriya Yoga assumes you have karma from a previous life. You purify this karma as quickly as possible with Kriya Yoga.

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